Registration Closes Soon ! Join FREE Until Wednesday, August 23rd

Secure your family's future.

Unlock your potential, accelerate your career, and make your success a powerful example.

(All while significantly boosting your lifetime earnings)

Managers, supercharge your career and lifetime earnings!

Did you know that every notch up in career performance over 20-30 years can add between $200k-$500k to your lifetime earnings?

It's time to hone your value-add, elevate your performance ratings, and accelerate your career trajectory.

Over my 30+ years career of focusing on what's vital– from finding exceptional mentors to mastering people development and stakeholder management – I got to Fortune 500 CFO.

Career growth is within everyone's grasp. YOU can do it.

I can guide you onto the promotion list by sharing what Senior Leaders seek in rising talent.

Believe in your potential- make the first move.

In this 3-Day Challenge, I will show you the seven key things to focus on so you can build your career growth, and provide for your family, all while significantly boosting your lifetime earnings.

This is a true investment in your future that can create a substantial difference in lifetime earnings.

Your career ascent starts here!

According to a survey conducted by Wyzant and

48% working Americans don't get promoted because of lack of training.

In today's highly competitive corporate landscape, you may face unique challenges that keep you from the promotion you want.

You May Feel As If...

Your career has stalled after great growth and further advancement feels harder each time.

Despite your hard work and dedication, you are overlooked or undervalued

You are working just as hard as always- or harder- but on the day to day without having time to think about the big picture

Others around you are getting promoted who are not better than you- but are better able to connect with senior stakeholders and make them effective advocates

I can help change that...

After 30+ Years, I will share the Secrets That Allowed Me To Go From Entry-Level to Fortune 500 CFO And Will Help You Secure The Promotion You’ve Been Working For...


Your Mindset, Your Environment

Define your Why: What are you looking for beyond the title?

Manage Your environment: Yourself, Your Peers, Others

Manage Above: Your Boss & Your Brand


Your Team & The Organization Around You

Identify & Map Out Your Talent Plan

Situational Leadership

Mapping the influence network


Your Brand, Your Voice & Your Authority

Define & uphold your Value Add, remit & authority - Find your voice

How to best increase your business knowledge

Developing your "Gravitas" & presence


Eduardo López

Great talent drives you upward. As a CFO and executive at Fortune 500 companies, I fully attribute achievements throughout my 30+ year career to having successfully pursued my passion of developing world-class teams and talent. I am privileged to have partnered with top-notch individuals and empowered them to be the best versions of themselves. Former members of my team have grown to become CFOs, Presidents, and senior business leaders at premier global companies.

As a dynamic finance leader with multilingual and multicultural experience, I developed first-rate organizations and unlocked insight for leaders in financial planning, audit, process improvement, and business development across diverse industries and drove breakthrough results through talent development and capacity building that resulted in improvements in cost control, capital allocation, and strategic goal setting, among others.

See What Other High-Level Leaders Have To Say About Working With Eduardo

"During the years I collaborated with Eduardo in the financial area, I witnessed his leaHeadlinedership approach. His leadership style was characterized by his ability to inspire his team and promote a productive and collaborative work environment. Eduardo demonstrated effective delegation skills, which allowed me to grow professionally by taking on new tasks and challenges. His trust in my work and constant support were crucial to my development and helped me expand my skills and knowledge. Furthermore, Eduardo stood out for his ability to handle challenging situations with calmness and clarity. Working alongside Eduardo was an enriching experience as he always showed interest in the well-being and success of his team. It was a pleasure to have worked with him."

-Juan Carlos Garrosa, Operations Lead for Pfizer

"Eduardo is a natural leader and saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself at the time. When I joined Pfizer as an analyst, I did not see myself as a manager, and now I’m a Senior Manager at Pfizer working with data every single day. I was only able to find my passion for data and create a career path through the support and encouragement of Eduardo. He gave me some powerful advice and the tools I needed to succeed at my job in the DS COE by involving me in different projects and enrolling me in different data scrubbing classes. The opportunity that Eduardo gave me changed my life, and I would never have been able to be where I’m at today if it was not for him."

-Antonio Olavarrieta

"Eduardo and I worked together - as my direct manager, he helped me develop and grow by being very supportive and giving me the chance to explore responsibilities outside of my comfort zone; he challenged me to take up new roles, be bold, manage broader stakeholders and grow internal talents. As a result I learned to become a become a better leader and a more empathetic people manager. He really is a leader who stands by you when you need a helping hand, an inspiring coach and a good and caring friend too. It has been a privilege to have been coached by him."

- Weeshirl Ng, Head Audit Executive at Signify, N.V.

"Eduardo and I worked together during a very challenging business transformation project for a $2B business. The pressure was immense, the business complex and in transition. I could not have asked for a stronger, more talented business partner to write the next chapter of success. We had to make some tough calls, reallocate funds, upgrade talent, and process. His positive attitude, calm under pressure, and depth of understanding of his financial area of expertise but articulating it so we could all benefit from that were instrumental to our success. He's a great human being that you would want on your A team."

- Chris White,CVP Americas, Customer Success at Analog Devices

"A few days ago, I shared a post on LinkedIn about a beautiful opportunity I had to lead by example. Today, I want to take a moment to acknowledge and recognize one of my most influential mentors and leaders. I had the privilege of working closely with Eduardo Lopez Pineda, and I am grateful for the incredible support and guidance he provided as a leader. Eduardo played a pivotal role in my professional development and growth, offering opportunities beyond my comfort zone and encouraging me to take on new challenges. His belief in me pushed me to become a better leader, expand my stakeholder management skills, and nurture talent within the team. What sets Eduardo apart is not only his leadership expertise but also his unwavering support and genuine care. He is always there when you need a helping hand, offering valuable insights and acting as an inspiring coach. His empathy and understanding make him not just a great leader but also a trusted and caring friend. I consider myself fortunate to have had Eduardo as my mentor and coach. His guidance has been instrumental in shaping my career journey. Thank you, Eduardo Lopez Pineda, for being an exceptional leader and for believing in my potential."

- Jorge Esparza, Pfizer

"I have been fortunate to have Eduardo as my manager for a couple of years in Signify. His unwavering focus on people development set him apart as a remarkable leader and mentor. Under his leadership, I experienced firsthand his genuine dedication to nurturing talent, providing guidance, and empowering the team to excel. Eduardo also cared about the organization on a personal level, I still remember those days during the pandemic, when he initiated weekly virtual “happy hour” calls with the Finance team just to have some fun and bonding in a period that was quite stressful for all. Eduardo’s ability to identify and leverage individual strengths enabled me to unlock my potential and achieve professional milestones. His coaching extended beyond the workplace, as I chose him as one of my mentors outside of the company, recognizing his impact on my professional development. Eduardo's leadership is a testament to his exceptional character and commitment to fostering growth in others.”

- Alfonso Roldan, Head of Finance for LatAm at Signify

"I have known Eduardo for the last 8 years as a manager, mentor, and friend!

As my manager:
Eduardo was the first one who identified that I could scale heights in my career and instilled confidence in me. He has inspired me to take on unimaginable challenges. There was an instance where I was assigned as the audit lead for a high-profile audit, auditing C-suite members. I was extremely nervous to work on it at first. Eduardo helped eliminate the fear by saying one simple thing “Put facts on the table, leave opinions out, and be concise.” By following this simple coaching, I was able to deliver a high-profile audit that was recognized, and corrective actions were taken.

As my mentor:
Eduardo always made time for people like me who were motivated and driven. I could go and ask him any questions. He would not give the answer to the solution, but he makes you think about what the right solution would be and motivated me to back up my instincts. He would simply say, “Go and do it”. These simple works instilled a different level of confidence that I had not experienced before. Since then, there’s been no turning back. To share an experience: I was the transformation leader for a pricing transformation program that involved presenting facts and proposing solutions to the market leader and controller. I was struggling to put together the storyline and went to him for advice. He helped me in devising a strategy that broke complex things down and build a simple storyline. This strategy landed well when presented to executive leadership that resulted in incremental sales of multi-million dollars annually. That project helped me attain great heights quickly and has been a key contributor to who I am today.

As a Friend:

Eduardo gave me room to text/call him about anything at any time. We have and do exchange messages and calls and talk from Business 101 to BBQ to Family. He is a person one can trust!”

-Vasanth Padmanaban, Sales & Customer Support Leader at Signify North America

Hey Frustrated Leader,

Do you ever feel like your career is stalling (or might have stalled)? Like- up to now, you were happy with how things were going and growing at a great clip, but all of a sudden it feels like it’s just so hard to break through… 

I have been there! It’s a feeling like… 

• You and your team are spinning your wheels with no control over your career, and maybe even heading for some dead end

• You’re not getting the visibility you need to show what you can do,

• You’re not connecting with the right senior stakeholders (or with any!) to get the air cover you need…

If you’re here, it is because all or most of what I described sounds familiar and rings all kinds of bells! And the GOOD NEWS is that this is what we will cover during the Build Your Growth Challenge! 

This is NOT an event where I will talk AT you… 

We will WORK together to create an action plan you can immediately execute to get yourself on the fast track and into the list of next promotions! So, give yourself a chance. Go into this FULL OUT. Don’t shortchange yourself. 

Wouldn’t you like to showcase your strengths to make them visible? To have a plan to get exactly the skills you need to stand out better? Wouldn’t it be great if you could identify the right stakeholders to network with, and then effectively engage with them and make them your advocates and sponsors? 

Say you had a blueprint for how to manage and gain strength from the environment around you, including your team and colleagues, even the difficult ones. Wouldn’t that make a huge difference? 

I have a track record of more than 30 years that took me to CFO at Fortune 500 companies... and I’m here to tell you that you CAN!  You absolutely can choose and control where you take your career! 

After finishing the Build Your Growth Challenge, you will have a plan that helps you create time to THINK, not just execute, to drive your differentiation and increase your value-add! 

You will have created total clarity on what to focus on to maximize your success!

Here are some of the things you will learn:

• How to let your boss and others see your unique contributions so you don’t get overlooked, and the easiest ways to get you more times at bat?

• How to unlock your mindset and avoid derailing yourself- damaging your brand- and the easiest way to connect with your inner strength every time to show up as your best self?

• A surefire way to improve and establish your executive presence and project confidence so the key people won’t doubt your potential, and to do it in a way that skyrockets your team’s engagement?

• I know the challenge happens during the week. I know it’s an hour, and you are burning for time… Maybe you even feel like you’re cheating your company by focusing on yourself instead on that urgent deliverable…

PLEASE don’t make the mistake of letting the URGENT prevent you from focusing on what’s IMPORTANT! 

You DESERVE to carve out the THINK TIME you need to create the strategy that will give you the edge you need to break through and into the fast track finally. 

And what is more important than investing IN YOURSELF?  This is how you multiply your contribution and get on the trajectory that you’re meant for! 

Yes, this is during the workweek. But what is three hours (or a little more) compared to all those you toil every day, every week of every month, and to the YEARS of growth you will experience because you will invest the time in YOUR DEVELOPMENT? 

If you don’t give yourself the chance to grow, WHY WOULD OTHERS?

Get out of your own way! Promote yourself, give yourself the opportunity, and let’s create the action plan that will get you your next promotion and position you for the one after that! 

Stop thinking about it and click the link to OPEN THE DOOR TO YOUR GROWTH! 

I am thrilled to have you here! You can do this! 


"I had the privilege of working under Eduardo's leadership during my tenure at Pfizer in a global finance transformation role. As my direct manager, Eduardo played a pivotal role in my professional growth by providing exceptional coaching, fostering effective communication, driving successful change management, and exemplifying outstanding leadership qualities. Eduardo is an exceptional coach and mentor who has a remarkable talent for bringing out the best in his team members. He consistently encouraged me to push my boundaries and explore new opportunities, which helped me develop new skills and broaden my horizons. His guidance and support allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone, enabling personal and professional growth that exceeded my expectations. When I moved to new roles, Eduardo continued to support my development. Communication is one of Eduardo's greatest strengths. He possesses an innate ability to convey complex ideas with clarity and simplicity, ensuring that everyone on the team understands the vision and goals. By promoting open and transparent communication, Eduardo fostered an inclusive work environment where ideas could flow freely, collaboration thrived, and creativity flourished. Under his guidance and leadership, I gained firsthand experience in effectively managing change, adapting to new circumstances, and embracing innovation as a catalyst for success.”

-Andre Nel, CFO at Lumicks


Here's Everything You Get When You Join The FREE 3-Day Build Your Growth Challenge

Access to the LIVE 3-Day Challenge Get 60 Minutes of Leadership Development Training Each Day from Eduardo ($997 Value)

Access to a Private Linkedin Group where you can network and meet others like you (Priceless)

Valued at $997+



What is a challenge? How Does This Work?

A challenge is a structured, goal-oriented program to help you overcome specific career or personal development obstacles. It is designed to challenge you to take accelerated action. This challenge begins on Wednesday, August 23rd @4pm PST / 7pm EST. Once you register, you will be directed to a free Private LinkedIn Group where the sessions will take place.

What If I Can't Make The Live Training? Will I Be Able To Watch It Later?

Yes. We understand with different time zones and roles; you may not make it at the designated challenge time. A replay will be available inside the LinkedIn Group until the challenge ends. Once the challenge ends, the recordings will be removed. After registration, you will have an opportunity to upgrade your challenge experience, where you will get access to the recordings if you choose to do so.

How Can I Work 1:1 With You?

If you would prefer to work directly with me, you can message me through my website

Can’t I just get this type of content from books and individual videos on YouTube and elsewhere?

Yes! But not only would you have to spend the time looking for it, curating and reading it, you would still be only reading… while the challenge is designed to DO, and you will create your own plan! You will also get Eduardo’s real-life insights, derived from successfully application over decades to develop not only his career but to also help other senior leaders grow to the highest levels.

How Long Is Each Day? I do not have the time!!

It's only one hour a day- and does not compete with the workday. Plus, consider this... If you cannot make it live, you can watch a replay of the training, which will be available until the challenge is complete. The replays will be taken down 3 days after the challenge has ended. And... If you don't invest in yourself, why would others?

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